Woodlawn schools loosing $1.3 million? Zoom Tuesday!

You may recall our fall town hall on $1.9 BILLION the City got in federal COVID relief. And Chicago Public Schools got $1.8 BILLION. And hundreds of millions have not yet been spent.

Yet Mayor Lightfoot wants to slash budgets of schools hit worst by COVID - the South and West sides' schools.

Call or Zoom in on Tuesday, 5/24, 5-6:15pm with STOP’s youth organizers, Ling Young and Dia Lawson, and restorative-justice coordinator Anna Durr to discuss this and take action! Register above.

Our students deserve more - for their education, safety, and future. #FreeTheFunds


Exactly what mixed-income housing do we demand?


Is 8 lots for affordable housing enough? Our response to Lightfoot!