Zoom on re-opening clinics & the City budget: 9/27 6pm

We just put a mental-health referendum on 20th, 6th, and 33rd Ward ballots!

Earlier this month, we and allies successfully got key Chicago areas an opportunity to vote this November, on whether the City should re-open clinics and remove police from mental-health first response. Check out the coverage, like in the Tribune!

So join us on for a town hall on finally re-opening clinics in this fall's City budgeting.

Thanks to our summer of referendum outreach, and years of organizing leading up to it, we have more opportunity than ever to re-open clinics through the City of Chicago's annual budget, which will be debated and decided in the next two months. Let’s learn more, discuss, and take action:

Tuesday, September 27, 6-7:15pm virtually. Register above.

We and partners like the Collaborative for Community Wellness and De-fund CPD submitted thousands of signatures petitioning for the referendum.


20 City lots secured to build affordable housing!


What's up at STOP? Our member groups update.